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FM 2278, Paducah, TX 79248, Cottle County - Find it on Google Maps
$184,000 - 158 Acres
This 158 acre property is situated along a paved road and is all in grass and leased out in cattle grazing for the summer months which brings great revenue earning. There are many trees on it and also makes for good hunting with a hunter's cabin on it. This cabin is presently rented out until sold. Public water and electricity . Property sell with 25% mineral rights and is close to some currently producing wells. Price could be negotiable with change in mineral rights.
Property Features
Good Perimeter Electric Fence all around
100 Acres could be put back into cropland
Hunters Cabin which is currently being rented out
25% Mineral rights can convey to buyer
On paved road
Electricity Available
Public Water
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